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Paul, Bishop Emmanuel (PAW)
Phillips, Kenneth
Pixler, Rev. Steve
Poe, Gordon (UPCI)
Pugh, J.T. (UPCI)
Pugh, Terry (UPCI)
Pylant, S.E. (Independant)
Reed, Bishop Jeremiah (CAT)
Riley, William (Independant)
Roam, Jim
Roberts, Tony (UPCI)
Roby Sr, Jasper (COGICJA)
Rogers, Huey (BWC)
Rose, Rev. Dell
Sabin, Robert (UPCI)
Scott, Alphonso (PAW)
Scott, Bishop P.L. (PAW)
Sharp, G. Thomas (PAW)
Shelby, Bishop Michael
Shock, Terry (UPCI)
Shock, Terry (UPCI)
Shoemake, Bobbie (UPCI)
Sims, Verlon (AMF)
Simison, James H. (UPCI)
Sjostrand, Janice (UPCI)
Smith, Horace E. (PAW)
Spears, A.D. (UPCI)
Spell, James Anthony Spell
Spell, B.A. (AMF)
Spell, Timothy (Independent)
Spellman, Dr. Robert (COOLJC)
Stearnes, George L. (PAW)
Stewart, Sammy (UPCI)
Stoneking, Lee (UPCI)
Streeval, Rev. Garry
Taylor, Marshall (PAW)
Tenney, T.F. (UPCI)
Tenney, Thetus (UPCI)
Thomas, Dr. Donald
Thomas, Tim (PAW)
Tiggs, Rita (PAW)
Tiller, Kirby
Trapani, Robert (UPCI)
Treece, Marvin (UPCI)
Tyson, James Edison (PAW)
Smith, Francis (PAW)
Riley, Michael (PAW)
Prado, Ari (WPF)