Video Catalog (P-T) > Stoneking, Lee (UPCI)
Stoneking, Lee (UPCI)

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Price: $15.00
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Prod. Code: LSV01




Rev. Lee Stoneking

Member of the United Pentecostal Church International


Title Date Price Product Code
A Living God 4-8-05 $15.00 LSV056
A Shaking In The Land 1986 $15.00 LSV021
Angels Unaware (Houston, TX) 1-15-88 $15.00 LSV089
Angels & Unusual Things 1-27-06 $15.00 LSV002
Battling or Building 4-2-95 $15.00 LSV057
BECAUSE OF THE TIMES - Conference 1993 $15.00 LSV045
BECAUSE OF THE TIMES - Conference 2005 $15.00 LSV027
Bid Me Come To Thee 4-7-07 $15.00 LSV034
Christian Violence (Houston, TX) 1-10-88 $15.00 LSV072
Come Encounter Jesus (day-1) 2004 $15.00 LSV004
Come Encounter Jesus (day-2) 2004 $15.00 LSV008
Do We Really Know What We Have? 2001 $15.00 LSV018
Don't Leave the Main Road (Houston, TX) 1-9-93 $15.00 LSV086
Exhorting (Houston, TX) 1-14-90 $15.00 LSV081
Failures 1994 $15.00 LSV016
Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (Houston, TX) 1-17-88 $15.00 LSV088
Fellowship of the Unashamed 2005 $15.00 LSV011
Getting Hold of the Hem 2001 $15.00 LSV019
Glorious Heritage 2004 $15.00 LSV024
He Must Have Loved You Very Much (Houston, TX) 1-10-93 $15.00 LSV085
He That Hath An Ear 3-28-08 $15.00 LSV050
Higher (Houston, TX) 12-31-89 $15.00 LSV078
Higher 2-22-98 $15.00 LSV032
How Much of God Do We Manifest In This World 3-27-08 $15.00 LSV054
How Near Are We to The Coming of the Lord N/A $15.00 LSV060
How Near Is The Coming of the Lord 2-14-01 $15.00 LSV063
I'm A Believer (Houston, TX) 1-3-93 $15.00 LSV083
I Wish To Enthrone Him 2-20-00 $15.00 LSV042
I'm On the Pathway 3-3-92 $15.00 LSV067
In My Name 2004 $15.00 LSV013
JESUS 1988 $15.00 LSV001
Joseph (Houston, TX) 1-3-93 $15.00 LSV082
Knowing Who You Are (Houston, TX) 1-24-88 $15.00 LSV079
Let Me Transmit To You 3-1-02 $15.00 LSV058
Light At Evening 1984 $15.00 LSV015
Live at Christian Life Center 1-29-06 $15.00 LSV006
Look Where You're Going (Houston, TX) 1-16-88 $15.00 LSV077
Lord Is Speaking, The N/A $15.00 LSV069
Moriah's Promise (Houston, TX) $15.00 $15.00 LSV076
My Miracle & Living The Gospel (Louisiana Camp) 2004 $15.00 LSV020
My Miracle & Living The Gospel (Ypsilanti, MI.) 3-26-04 $15.00 LSV036
No Such Thing As Arab Unity N/A $15.00 LSV022
Not Really Knowing God 1991 $15.00 LSV023
No Title (Houston, TX) 1-8-93 $15.00 LSV087
Oh, That Men Would Praise Him 2-18-00 $15.00 LSV040
Outer-Space 4-2-95 $15.00 LSV043
Revelation of the Voice of God 3-29-08 $15.00 LSV051
Satan's Desire For Man To Worship Him 3-31-08 $15.00 LSV053
Signs of A Believer 4-11-05 $15.00 LSV047
Step Up To The Bar N/A $15.00 LSV014
Stir It Up 2-19-00 $15.00 LSV030
To Know Him (Houston, TX) 1-31-88 $15.00 LSV073
Prophetic Location N/A $15.00 LSV003
Psalms 23 The Shepherd N/A $15.00 LSV010
Testing Our Faith 1991 $15.00 LSV035
Testing Our Faith 3-2-92 $15.00 LSV046
The Building of A Nation 3-31-95 $15.00 LSV049
The Church Will Go On and On 2-21-98 $15.00 LSV048
The Earthen Vessel (Houston, TX) 1-15-89 $15.00 LSV071
The Five-Fold Ministry 3-30-08 $15.00 LSV052
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail N/A $15.00 LSV059
The Gift of Faith 1992 $15.00 LSV025
The Jesus Inside of You 3-28-04 $15.00 LSV062
The Latter Rain 3-30-95 $15.00 LSV031
The Need For Intercession (Houston, TX) 1-17-93 $15.00 LSV084
The Power of the Holy Ghost (Houston, TX) 1-21-88 $15.00 LSV075
The Reality of Jesus 2-22-98 $15.00 LSV037
The Reality of The Hour (Ypsilanti, MI.) 3-27-04 $15.00 LSV038
The Reality of Jesus (Houston, TX) 12-31-88 $15.00 LSV074
The Reality of This Hour N/A $15.00 LSV005
These Signs Shall Follow Those That Believe 2005 $15.00 LSV009
The Spirit Of Life 1993 $15.00 LSV017
The Tabernacle of David 1982 $15.00 LSV026
They Said of Him 2004 $15.00 LSV033
The Way We Worship 11-18-89 $15.00 LSV041
The Works of the Flesh 2-21-99 $15.00 LSV066
Touching The Hem N/A $15.00 LSV039
UPDATE 3-12-94 $15.00 LSV029
Upon All Flesh 4-10-05 $15.00 LSV055
Violent By Force 1987 $15.00 LSV028
We Are Having A Book of Acts Revival 2-19-99 $15.00 LSV065
We Are Having A Book of Acts Revival (Pt-3) 2-21-99 $15.00 LSV064
We Are The Church 2-20-98 $15.00 LSV061
What Does It Mean To Be A Believer? 2005 $15.00 LSV007
What Does It Mean To Be Born of the Spirit 3-13-94 $15.00 LSV068
What Identifies The House of God 2004 $15.00 LSV012
What Shall Be The Sign of Thy Coming: Part-1 (Houston, TX) 12-31-92 $15.00 LSV092
What Shall Be The Sign of Thy Coming: Part-2 (Houston, TX) 12-31-92 $15.00 LSV080
Your Greatest Battle 2-20-00 $15.00 LSV044