Howard Archibald Goss
One of the great and notable personalities to come out of the Galena revival (and there were many that went on to become preachers) was Howard Archibald Goss. Around the turn of the 20th century , Galena, Kansas was a boomng mine town. Lead and Zinc was being mined around the clock, which was the reason for the population explosion at that time. People came from all over the United States to work in the mines, and the Goss family was not without exception.
In 1903, Howard Goss was in high school, and a practicing infidel. He had many doubts concerning the existence of God, but after Mary Arthur was healed, the entire town of Galena became interested in the revival that was shaking their town. Many of Goss' classmates began attending the revival, and several received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Edith Blumhofer wrote, "Mary Arthur's sister was a high school teacher, and one day during school she challenged Howard to accept Parham's message. First, curiosity, then a haunting sense of spiritual need attracted Howard to the meetings, which had now moved from the tent located at the Arthur's home to the "Grand Leader" warehouse on Main Street as winter approached".
Howard Goss later recalled, "Miracles and wonders seemed to be a constant occurence". Among them of course were healings and tongue speaking. Goss claimed that he owed his conversion to Christianity to hearing people speak in other tongues. After attending the meeting, and seeing God at work, to his own surprise, he became convinced that somewhere there existed a being that men called God. On one of the coldest days of the winter, Howard Goss, along with one hundred other converts was baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ in Spring River. It wouldn't be until February, 1906, that Howard would receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost while riding on a train with other apostolic believers from Orchard, Texas to Alvin, Texas, on his way to one of Charles Parham's Apostolic Faith meetings.
In 1915, after the Oneness position had been established among Pentecostals, Howard Goss was rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ, because he had not fully realized the signifiance of his earlier baptism, as was performed by Charles Parham.