Dr. John Fread Scheel
Independant Ministry
1948 ~ Present
Dr. John F. Scheel was born on July 16, 1948 in Dewitt, Arkansas. He was baptized in Jesus' name on May 9, 1961 at Kingdom Come Resivour in Humphry, Arkansas. He received the baptism of the Holy Ghost on May 1, 1961 in Stuttgart, Arkansas. John received his early ministerial training under the leadership of the late Reverend Buddy Looper.
In July of 1962, Dr. Scheel went to Beebe, Arkansas to preach his first revival for Brother James Blackwell at the age of 13. He had been preaching approximately one year at that time. After the small home missions work that was there was discontinued, he went back to the area in June of 1966, with a burden to build a work for God.
A small brick building known as "Old Show Building" was rented in McRae, and the first service was conducted on September 14, 1966 with only Dr. Scheel, and two other families in attendance. In January of 1969, he was united in Holy Matrimony to Vickie Hackler from North Little Rock, Arkansas. To this union was born three children.
In October of 1969, the church was moved to Beebe, to the "Putman" building. From there, a new church was planned, and became a reality on April 14, 1973, when the first service was held in the new facility. Dr. Scheel has a passion for Christian education. He holds a B.A., degree from Central Baptist College; a Master of Divinity from Luther Rice Seminary; a Ph.D., from Toledo Bible College and Seminary; a Doctor of Religious Education from Moody Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Human Letters from Washington Saturday College. He is currently working on a Doctor of Philosophy at Oxford Graduate School. In September of 1975, a Christian Day School was begun by the church. In 1979, a College for the training of ministers and Christian School teachers was begun. Today Dr. Sheel is Chancellor of the Lighthouse Christian College and Lighthouse Seminary and Graduate School in Beebe, Arkansas. The College and Seminary are fully accredited, and members of the Accrediting Commision International.
In 1990, a new church was dedicated to the glory of God. Dr. Scheel is truly an anointed man of God, and one of the leading voices in the holiness movement. He stands tall in the defence of the Oneness message. Audio Recordings of John Scheel are available in the audio library of the Apostolic Archives International.