Pentecostal Assemblies of the World








Pentecostal Assemblies of the World

Welcome to the history page of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW). The PAW claims to be the oldest, Oneness, organization in North America. We will elaborate more about the development of the PAW, but in 1915, Elder G.T. Haywood, a member of the PAW since 1911, was visited by Elder Glen A. Cook, who introduced him to a new message concerning baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Elder Haywood, who had been baptized in the titles in 1908, by Elder Ernest Lloyd (a minister from the Azusa St. revival) accepted Cook's message, and was re-baptized in Jesus' Name, along with 456 members of his Apostolic Faith Assembly in nearby, Fall Creek.

Because of his tremendous influence within the ranks of the PAW, Elder Haywood was able to persuade the majority of the fellowship to accept his new views concerning the Oneness of God in Christ. This action would officialy give the PAW historical credibility as becoming, the first and oldest acclaimed, Oneness organization in North America. It wasn't until 1916, that the General Assembly of the Apostolic Assemblies was formed, after 156 ministers were expelled from the Assemblies of God for their belief in the Oneness of God, and baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. The GAAA lasted for only one year before it was desolved in 1917, having the misfortunes of not meeting all the qualifications of the government as a fully recognized organization. The ministers could not receive a discount for their train-fares, thus causing them extreme difficulties in their travels. After the demise of the GAAA, the defunct ministers joined ranks with the PAW. In 1919, the PAW reorganized, being officialy recognized by the government as a Oneness, Jesus Name organization. Even before it's official re-organization in 1919, the PAW claimed the tenents of Oneness theology under the guidance of Elder G.T. Haywood beginning in 1915.


More to come!