Articles > Holding Up The Prophets Hand


Holding Up The Prophet's Hand

Written By: Bishop G.T. Haywood
Published By: Christian Outlook (Reprent - May, 1950)

It was hard for Moses as he stood upon the hill overlooking the battlefield with his hands uplifted toward heaven. The conflict was raging. Joshua with his army was fighting hand to hand with the enemy. As long as Moses’ hands were raised towards heaven, the children of Israel prevailed. When they dropped to his side from exhaustion the Amalekites were victorious. When Aaron and Hur saw that victory for Israel depended upon the hands of Moses being lifted towards heaven, they caused him to sit upon a stone while they stood by and :stayed up his hands, the one on the one side; and the other on the opposite side: and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.” Exodus 17th chapter.

The battle in which we are engaged is fierce. There are times when the adversary seems to prevail against us. Prayers, tears, sleepless nights, and mental weariness is our portion. As long as our hands are stayed up victory is ours. We need every member of the “royal priesthood” to stand by and hold up our hands. If you do we shall prevail. Hold them up in prayer. Hold them up in doing all you can for the cause. Hold them up by loving one another; visiting the sick; comforting the weak; and being regular in your attendance at the services. God help you to hold up the prophet’s hands.

G.T. Haywood

Bishop G.T. Haywood